
An Impeachment motion against the US president Donald J. Trump was formally passed by the House of Representatives of the US Parliament on charges that he abused the power of his office for domestic political advantage and subsequently obstructed enquiries that were meant to hold him accountable. The Motion needs to be passed by the Senate in order to effect the impeachment.

Recent revelations about the involvement of the US President in election rigging had shaken the US polity. A few close aids of Mr. Trump had allegedly linked United States' foreign aid to Ukraine with an investigation to extract sensitive information about the family of former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading contender to face Trump next year as the Democratic Party’s nominee.
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The votes on the impeachment motion were cast almost entirely along party lines. As per the US constitution, the House Democrats will now make their case in a Senate trial explaining why Trump should be removed from office for linking United States' foreign aid to Ukraine with an investigation into The Senate will hold a trial early next year to decide whether the president should be convicted on the charges and removed from office, though the Republicans who have the majority in that chamber will almost certainly acquit him.

This is the third time that an impeachment motion is passed by the lower House of the US Congress. Mr. Trump is the only first-time president  to be impeached in the country's 243-year history. No US President has so far been removed from office in the history.  Bill Clinton was similarly impeached by the House of Representatives in 1998 but he stayed in office as the Senate refused to approve the motion.  Mr. Trump will be the only impeached president in the history to get re-nominated if he manages to win Republican Party's nomination for re-election.

With the Democrats leaving no arrow unused in their arsenal against President Trump, the impeachment motion seems to have widened the ideological divide in the country. Democrats have been vehemently opposing Mr. Trump's proposed wall along the Mexican border. They are also opposed to protectionist policies of the president on the grounds that US might be ceding leadership role to China.

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